Monday, August 27, 2012

Concept Art: The Sacred Arkaadus and the Six-Flower

I'm very excited to start talking about these things in length!

We have here one of our first concept art pieces! Voj Hadu is a sort of "high priest" figure, only not as hackneyed. The institution he is part of is really something quite amazing. I'll save more details on that for the players of this game's beta! For now, just know that there is some real creative progress being made.

The framework, so to say, is alsmost entirely complete. I am very excited about that, because that will mean that I only have artistic work ahead of me, rather than programming and physics creation.

Let's not stop there for this post! There is something more. Below is the concept design of six-flower.

The six-flower is a creature that spends most of it's time in the ground.

Burrowed in the ground for most of its time during the day, this creature prowls the underbrush for smaller creatures to consume.

It's six appendages allow it to leap into the air from a burrowed position. This is used either to escape a predator, or (more commonly) to attack any unwelcomed passerby from above. It's jaws are known to cut through the wooden beams of supply caravans traveling from the swamps of Neth to Mayuul.

(Deviant art account entry from "TheYellowStranger," who is also me.)

This creature has not been included in the game yet, but it soon will be. The wumple already has been. What is a wumple, you ask? The wumple's concept design phase was a sort of discussion with a group of friends. Those of you who were involved... You know full well that it was NOT a discussion at all, but something of an entirely different purview.

The next post may be riddled with nonsense. We shall see. I make no promises as to when and on what days I will update, but I do admit to a certain joy in documenting my progress! I think this shall become a thing for me. Either way, concept art is a great way to practice the digital pen shading I've been doing with photoshop!

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