Ladies and gentlemen!
I have several updates, and I will try my best (and likely fail) not to sound like a lunatic!
The ALPHA RELEASE will feature all the lands East of "Infected Neth," and West of "The Ocean of Glass." In this bracket, we have "The Swamps of Neth," which features insane swampfolk and dangerous wildlife; "The Great City of Kokoch," which is sort of like a dungeon-esque area; "The Gorflac Den," which introduces new characters; and "The Western Sheer," a sheer-face cliff which overlooks "The Ocean of Glass."
I've just finished adding LOADS of story stuff. As you meet other characters, you are free to befriend them, or destroy them. The quest log system is more polished, and everything is coming together nicely.
I've also added A THIEF character. As I mentioned in a previous post, I've included awareness in this game. The mechanics for the thief are RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME.
He sneaks under the enemies' radar, and delivers punishing critical hits when used correctly. His attacks can also be used for evasive purposes. If you get noticed, and have to flee from combat; this guy can help. The more intelligent creatures might take that time to warn their fellow "higher-level communication allies" to be on alert for you.
The thing that makes this "thief class" unique is that it is not dependent on a crouch key. It's actually very different than other sneaky games, because the chance of enemies detecting you is dependent on your timing, rather than your ability to hide behind a box for two seconds. If you hide behind an obstacle after they've seen you, they'll probably just kill you anyway (If they can communicate, you'd better bet that they are capable of object permanence.) Of course, this is not true for the very, VERY dim creatures. For them, it's "Out of sight, out of mind."
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