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I promised the lot of you an update on The Tale of Thaddeus! The feedback from the Alpha 1 release was beautiful! It was helpful, insightful, and (quite frankly) inspirational! One of the testers posted an anonymous review, featuring sincere praise and a number of very valuable insights. I am happy to report that all the feedback I have received has had a tremendous impact on the development of the game. Having said that, here is a list of updates between the Alpha 1 release and the upcoming Alpha 2!
+ The thief class has had some major changes to the controls. In Alpha 1, his movement was somewhat erratic, and sometimes broke the physics engine. (Not good)
+ Tile updates, making the game prettier, and more polished!
+ Yoyo games recently announced that their new version of Game Maker (the current IDE, being used for Tale of Thaddeus), runs games 100 times faster. I tested this. It is true. Let me spell it out: In Alpha 1, I said that most any gaming PC today can sustain up to 100 enemies on screen at any given time. That means all our warfare, complex battles, and ridiculous amounts of carnage! Now: With this available to me, I intend to make certain levels that exhibit the best features from mass combat games like Dynasty Warriors.
+ Particle effects are a GO! Enjoy The Particle Totem (Link Above) to view some of the effects, designed specifically for the Tale of Thaddeus!
+ New levels, new enemies, and NEW NPC'S! Each area now features unique NPC's that contribute to the characters' backstories.
+ The thief class has had some major changes to the controls. In Alpha 1, his movement was somewhat erratic, and sometimes broke the physics engine. (Not good)
+ Tile updates, making the game prettier, and more polished!
+ Yoyo games recently announced that their new version of Game Maker (the current IDE, being used for Tale of Thaddeus), runs games 100 times faster. I tested this. It is true. Let me spell it out: In Alpha 1, I said that most any gaming PC today can sustain up to 100 enemies on screen at any given time. That means all our warfare, complex battles, and ridiculous amounts of carnage! Now: With this available to me, I intend to make certain levels that exhibit the best features from mass combat games like Dynasty Warriors.
+ Particle effects are a GO! Enjoy The Particle Totem (Link Above) to view some of the effects, designed specifically for the Tale of Thaddeus!
+ New levels, new enemies, and NEW NPC'S! Each area now features unique NPC's that contribute to the characters' backstories.
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